
Don’t For­get to Write

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

When Mar­i­lyn Klein­man is caught mak­ing out with the rabbi’s son in front of the whole con­gre­ga­tion, her par­ents ship her off to her great-aunt Ada for the sum­mer. If any­one can save their daughter’s rep­u­ta­tion, it’s Philadelphia’s strict pre­mier match­mak­er. Either that or Mar­i­lyn can kiss col­lege good­bye.

To Marilyn’s sur­prise, Ada’s not the humor­less sep­tu­a­ge­nar­i­an her moth­er described. Not with that plat­inum-blonde hair, Her­mès scarf, and Cadil­lac con­vert­ible. She’s sharp, straight-talk­ing, takes her job very seri­ous­ly and abides by her own rules…mostly. As the sum­mer unfolds, Ada and Mar­i­lyn head for the Jer­sey shore, where Mar­i­lyn helps Ada scope out eli­gi­ble match­es — for any­one but Mar­i­lyn, that is.

Because if there’s one thing Marilyn’s learned from Ada, it’s that she doesn’t have to set­tle. With the school year quick­ly approach­ing and her father threat­en­ing to dis­in­her­it her, Mar­i­lyn must make her choice for her future: return to the com­fort­able life she knows or embrace a risky, unknown path on her own.

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