
Down-To-Earth Judaism: Food, Mon­ey, Sex, And The Rest Of Life

Arthur Waskow
  • From the Publisher
October 11, 2011
In Down-to-Earth Judaism, Rab­bi Arthur Waskow focus­es on food, mon­ey, sex, and rest, the pil­lars of a spir­i­tu­al life in the real world and the guide-posts that mark the com­mu­nal path for the mod­ern Jew­ish prac­ti­tion­er. To help read­ers infuse the rich tra­di­tions of Judaism into dai­ly life, he exam­ines what the Bible and the Tal­mud tell us regard­ing how to treat the envi­ron­ment, what greater roles women may play in Judaism, and how to allow wor­ship to become an inte­gral part of our lives. Rab­bi Waskow also brings to life the his­to­ry of many prayers, cer­e­monies, and laws, such as Kosher or Kashrut. Through his thought­ful inter­weav­ing of these four cen­tral areas, Rab­bi Waskow cel­e­brates the rel­e­vance of Jew­ish tra­di­tion to mod­ern times.

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