
Eight Dates and Nights: A Hanukkah Romance

  • Review
By – October 2, 2023

In Bet­sy Aldredge’s sec­ond young adult nov­el, Eight Dates and Nights, Han­nah Levin is forced to vis­it her grand­moth­er in a small Texas town. Luck­i­ly, her plans will have her back in New York just in time to cel­e­brate Hanukkah with her fam­i­ly and friends. But when an intense snow­storm hits, she ends up befriend­ing the only oth­er Jew­ish boy in town, Noah, and work­ing at his family’s deli. As she pan­ics about not going home and adamant­ly refus­es to enjoy Hanukkah where she is, the nights pass, and she starts to real­ize that she is right where she’s sup­posed to be.

Han­nah and Noah have many dif­fer­ences. Han­nah is a big-city girl, while Noah embraces his small-town roots. Noah loves the mag­ic of Hanukkah, while Han­nah thinks it’s not that impor­tant. In Aldredge’s nov­el, oppo­sites clear­ly attract, and Han­nah begins to find mag­ic in all the lit­tle things around her. Noah makes it his mis­sion to spread the light of Hanukkah, and to help Han­nah under­stand the holiday’s true meaning.

Eight Dates and Nights shows char­ac­ter growth through a Jew­ish lens. The book con­veys the impor­tance of Hanukkah with­out being didac­tic. Aldredge also depicts Jew­ish peo­ple show­ing up for each oth­er. When Noah needs help run­ning the deli, Han­nah steps in to sup­port a boy she bare­ly knows.

Aldredge has writ­ten a book that moves quick­ly but is filled with mean­ing for those who look for it. This beau­ti­ful teen romance cap­tures the essence of Hanukkah.

Eliz­a­beth Slot­nick works in the tech­nol­o­gy space but has a grow­ing pres­ence on book­sta­gram, where she reviews books span­ning across all gen­res. She grad­u­at­ed from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Vir­ginia and lives in Seat­tle, WA.

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