
Eight Nights to Win Her Heart

  • Review
By – October 14, 2024

Andie just lost her Dad, is about to get laid off from her job as a teacher at a preschool, and fears spend­ing Hanukkah alone. Leo lives across the hall, works as an antique refin­ish­er, and is des­per­ate to win the approval of his (stub­born, over­bear­ing) father. The antique store that has been in Leo’s fam­i­ly for three gen­er­a­tions is at risk of being sold, and Leo wants to prove that he can run the family’s antique busi­ness before his dad sells it. Leo knows that the busi­ness — which sells every­thing from run-of-the-mill antiques to pre­cious Jew­ish items (includ­ing a pos­si­bly mag­i­cal meno­rah) — is in his blood, and he believes that it should remain in the family. 

While Andie and Leo have lived across the hall from each oth­er for a few years, nei­ther of them has tak­en the chance to talk to the oth­er (even though Andie has always thought Leo hand­some). One day, Leo notices Hanukkah can­dles in Andie’s shop­ping bag and invites her to light can­dles with him. When he finds out that she is plan­ning on mov­ing from Mass­a­chu­setts to Ohio to take anoth­er teach­ing job, their fate seems sealed — but Leo agrees to enjoy the time they have togeth­er before Andie leaves. Will they be able to have a Hanukkah mir­a­cle and find love over the next eight days, or is it too lit­tle, too late?

Eight Nights to Win Her Heart is a cute and cozy Hanukkah romance with some very spicy scenes. The chem­istry between Andie and Leo makes for a fun and engag­ing sto­ry about sec­ond chances, for­give­ness, and hope. For those who enjoy hol­i­day roman­tic come­dies with a lit­tle will they/won’t they, this book is a must-read. 

Jes­si­ca Sender is an aca­d­e­m­ic librar­i­an at Michi­gan State Uni­ver­si­ty. She has worked in pub­lic and aca­d­e­m­ic libraries, and in her free time enjoys run­ning, bik­ing, real­i­ty TV, and explor­ing Michigan. 

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