
Emer­alds Nev­er Fade

  • From the Publisher
April 20, 2012
Before World War II, two Ger­man boys enjoy play­ing piano, and one vis­its twice each week to teach the oth­er. When the Nazis seize pow­er, the lessons must end — one of the boys is Jew­ish.

Leo Bergn­er, the Jew­ish pupil, escapes Ger­many while his piano teacher, Bruno Franz­mann, is called to serve the Father­land. His assign­ment to work at a con­cen­tra­tion camp turns to per­il as the war nears an end. With the Allied forces clos­ing in, he risks cap­ture and pros­e­cu­tion as a war crim­i­nal.

After the war, Leo begins a career in bank­ing and uncov­ers a con­spir­a­cy of fur­ther Jew­ish per­se­cu­tion, involv­ing the assets of con­cen­tra­tion camp vic­tims. His inves­ti­ga­tion into the cor­rupt deal­ings of his own bank puts him in direct oppo­si­tion to his beloved Israel, while also jeop­ar­diz­ing his career, his mar­riage, and his life.

Bruno escapes to Buenos Aires and must begin anew, lost in a strange land where only his wits can save him. He hatch­es an unscrupu­lous plot to finance a mul­ti-nation­al cor­po­ra­tion, and in time, his efforts require a busi­ness trip to Lon­don — his first vis­it to Europe since he escaped.

After forty years, a lost fam­i­ly heir­loom will decide their fate.


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