
Fam­i­ly Declas­si­fied: Uncov­er­ing My Grand­fa­ther’s Jour­ney from Spy to Chil­dren’s Book Author

September 1, 2023

In Fam­i­ly Declas­si­fied social sci­en­tist Kather­ine Fen­nel­ly delves into the ratio­nale and con­se­quences of fam­i­ly secrets by study­ing her grand­fa­ther, Fran­cis Kalnay, a Jew­ish Hun­gar­i­an immi­grant who over­came a child­hood marked by tragedy and rose to become the head of an elite espi­onage unit for the Allied Forces dur­ing World War II. In 1954 Fran­cis aban­doned his fam­i­ly and fled to Mex­i­co for two decades where he rein­vent­ed him­self as a children’s book author, an archi­tect, and a gour­mand. 

It took sev­er­al years of exam­i­na­tion of declas­si­fied gov­ern­ment records, per­son­al inter­views, and genealog­i­cal search­es to piece togeth­er the life of a man who kept secrets about his Jew­ish iden­ti­ty, the nature of his work as a spy, and the mur­der of his sis­ter by Hun­gar­i­an Nazis. The result is a man­u­script that exam­ines the nature of fam­i­ly myths and presents the grip­ping sto­ry of a man whose life was shaped by some of the most extra­or­di­nary events of the 20th century.

Discussion Questions

Cour­tesy of Kather­ine Fennelly

  1. What did you learn from Fam­i­ly Declas­si­fied about the caus­es of anti-semi­tism in Hun­gary?
  2. What explains the trans­for­ma­tion of Budapest from a city that wel­comed Jews to what has been called Holo­caust City”?
  3. What exam­ples are pre­sent­ed of anti­semitism in the US gov­ern­ment dur­ing WWII?
  4. Have you read about the rule of Vic­tor Orban in Hun­gary and his pop­u­lar­i­ty among some Amer­i­can politi­cians? What sim­i­lar­i­ties exist between his posi­tions and those exhib­it­ed by Hun­gar­i­an rulers dur­ing WWII?
  5. How did Ferko’s role as a father who aban­doned his wife and chil­dren con­trast with his actions as a war hero? 
  6. Can you think of exam­ples of famous fig­ures who demon­strat­ed these con­tra­dic­tions?
  7. Were you sur­prised by the sto­ry of Ferko’s moth­er? What does it tell us about the treat­ment of women with men­tal health prob­lems in Cen­tral Europe dur­ing the ear­ly 20th cen­tu­ry?
  8. What does the author sug­gest as the rea­sons for Ferko’s self-imposed exile in Mex­i­co for two decades? Which expla­na­tions seem most plau­si­ble to you?
  9. What is at the root of fam­i­ly secrets about iden­ti­ty? 
  10. Are there exam­ples of secrets in your fam­i­ly that have been guard­ed for generations?