Mickey Simhoni, a former Mossad officer and graduate of the esteemed Bezalel Art Academy, is about to launch his new career with a gallery show. His family has come from Haifa, and he is waiting for his girlfriend, Dolly, to appear. A nearby terrorist bomb interrupts the event. After learning that Dolly was one of the casualties, Mickey joins the Mossad as an operative. He wants revenge.
The author, a former Mossad officer, gives readers a look at the arduous training required and the dangers that operatives face in the field. The detailed planning that goes into inventing a cover and executing a mission become clear as Mickey begins his work. Mickey’s cover takes him to Toronto, where he meets a former girlfriend, Nikki; the two had a passionate but brief relationship in Tokyo ten years earlier. Old feelings are rekindled and the couple must face the stress of undercover spy work and its effects on their relationship. Mickey wants to succeed in the Mossad, but he also wants a life with Niki. Readers will want to keep turning the pages to see how Mickey and Niki handle the situation. Mickey will also make some startling discoveries about his own family of Holocaust survivors.
This is a romantic thriller that will appeal to a wide range of readers. Although artist/spy Mickey Simhoni is no Gabriel Allon, he is dedicated to his country and carries out his missions. Niki is a willing ally. Public libraries and synagogue libraries that collect fiction will be interested in Final Stop Algiers, and book club members will enjoy discussing the political and social issues that emerge in the story.