
Finn and Ezra’s Bar Mitz­vah Time Loop

By – June 4, 2024

There’s noth­ing quite like an absorb­ing time-trav­el sto­ry. One can only mar­vel at the chal­lenge an author faces when con­struct­ing a tale that con­spires to con­fuse us and amuse us. In this fun yet mes­sage-laden book, two bar mitz­vah boys, Finn and Ezra, end­less­ly relive the day of their bar mitz­vahs, à la the movie Ground­hog Day. Although their par­ties were held at the same cater­ing hall, the two boys were pre­vi­ous­ly unac­quaint­ed. Nei­ther of them is able to progress to the next day. They are stuck in the same loop, no mat­ter how hard they try to move on.

The boys dif­fer in many ways, but they become friends as they try to fig­ure out what’s hap­pen­ing and devise a plan to escape the frus­trat­ing time loop. Finn is the only child of dot­ing par­ents, while Ezra feels lost with­in a sea of sib­lings. Ezra comes from a more tra­di­tion­al Jew­ish back­ground, while Finn’s fam­i­ly adheres to a more sec­u­lar lifestyle. They each stretch and grow as they learn more about each other’s life. Their mutu­al under­stand­ing and empa­thy even­tu­al­ly put a stop to the bar mitz­vah time loop.

Fun­ny and well writ­ten, this fast-paced nov­el will win over many readers.

Michal Hoschan­der Malen is the edi­tor of Jew­ish Book Coun­cil’s young adult and children’s book reviews. A for­mer librar­i­an, she has lec­tured on top­ics relat­ing to lit­er­a­cy, run book clubs, and loves to read aloud to her grandchildren.

Discussion Questions

Some­times all you want out of a book is for it to deliv­er exact­ly what’s promised by the title. Finn and Ezra’s Bar Mitz­vah Time Loop does pre­cise­ly that — and with humour, heart, mys­tery, and a per­son­al­i­ty as big as both of its two leads put togeth­er. Like the heroes of any time loop adven­ture, the tit­u­lar char­ac­ters must learn valu­able lessons about them­selves in order to escape, but author Joshua S. Levy takes a premise that could eas­i­ly skew didac­tic, and instead deliv­ers a fast-paced adven­ture that’s big on bel­ly laughs and slim on soap­box­es. Yes, Finn and Ezra are two very dif­fer­ent Jew­ish boys, using the day of their great­est engage­ment with Judaism to learn about each oth­er, them­selves, and the Jew­ish­ness of their lives. But they’re also two boys thrown togeth­er for an absolute­ly wild ride, and any read­er going on their adven­ture with them will have a blast doing so. In times like these, that feels more valu­able than ever.