
Five Grounds

  • From the Publisher
May 13, 2013
From dis­tant cor­ners of the globe, three strangers risk every­thing to reach the shores of the Unit­ed States. In Ethiopia, Tes­faye aban­dons his post at the Min­istry of Defense and attempts to escape the coun­try while a crazed rebel com­man­der hunts him down for rea­sons he will spend years try­ing to ful­ly under­stand. Lin’s moth­er forces her to leave Chi­na to pro­tect her from the same fate that led to her father’s dis­ap­pear­ance. In Mex­i­co, Sofi­a’s health rapid­ly dete­ri­o­rates, so she leaves behind her two young chil­dren and the mem­o­ry of a mur­dered hus­band. These three do not real­ize just how per­ilous their jour­neys will be, nor do they know that reach­ing U.S. soil will just be the begin­ning. The dire cir­cum­stances that cause them to flee their home­lands fol­low them across oceans and deserts. As Tes­faye, Lin, and Sofia con­front their pasts, a fed­er­al immi­gra­tion agent seeks to unrav­el their new lives. In the process, their once diver­gent paths ulti­mate­ly draw clos­er together. 

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