
Franken­stein’s Matzah: A Passover Parody

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

In this Passover pic­ture book par­o­dy of Franken­stein, Vee, Vic­tor Frankenstein’s great, great, great Jew­ish non-bina­ry grand­child, wants to win the school sci­ence fair and become the world’s great­est sci­en­tist.

When Vee’s exper­i­ment suc­ceeds, zany chaos ensues, and Vee is left to wres­tle with some Franken­stein-size eth­i­cal dilem­mas. Watch Vee take cen­ter stage in this excit­ing sci­ence fic­tion Passover adven­ture!

A graph­ic pic­ture book told entire­ly through com­ic bub­bles, Frankenstein’s Matzah invites young read­ers to join in the joy of Passover (and sci­ence!) by con­duct­ing their own Super Seder Sci­ence experiments.

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