
One Lit­tle Goat: A Passover Catastrophe

  • From the Publisher
March 4, 2024

A fam­i­ly sits at the Passover seder table, but can­not find their afiko­man – the hid­den matzah required to end the meal – and as a result, they are trapped at a seder that can­not end. Six months in, a wise­crack­ing talk­ing goat shows up at their door with bad news: Thou­sands of years of pre­vi­ous seders have accu­mu­lat­ed under­neath their seder, and their afiko­man is stuck in one of them. Now the fam­i­ly’s wise child” must trav­el down with the goat through cen­turies of pre­vi­ous Passovers to find it – and to dis­cov­er the ques­tions he needs to start asking.

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