

  • From the Publisher
May 13, 2013
Suzy Farb­man was a suc­cess­ful author whose first book, Back from Betray­al, was intro­duced to the world by no less than Oprah. Read­ers nation­wide sought Suzy’s advice on how to save a dam­aged mar­riage. But Suzy’s world would soon unrav­el. Diag­nosed with advanced uter­ine can­cer, her body was fail­ing. Fac­ing the same rough jour­ney through surgery, radi­a­tion and chemother­a­py that looms for one in three men and one in eight women in Amer­i­ca, Suzy found her­self weak and fright­ened. This big-heart­ed wife, moth­er and grand­moth­er wor­ried that she would­n’t have time to enjoy the rela­tion­ships that defined her life. Search­ing for solu­tions to life’s dark­est spir­i­tu­al chal­lenges — weak­ness, fear, mor­tal­i­ty — Suzy reached deep into her Jew­ish expe­ri­ence. She also involved her friends and myr­i­ad resources from psy­chother­a­py to angels, from ancient prayers to hop­ing for mir­a­cles. Her warm, sus­pense­ful and often fun­ny jour­ney of mixed dis­ci­plines is far from a dead end! God­Signs is the book that shows how God spoke to Suzy dur­ing her dark­est days, and brought her through to light again. 

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