
Hon­or Killing

  • From the Publisher
April 30, 2012
Hon­or Killing is set in con­tem­po­rary Israel and the West Bank. A Mossad agent, Reuven, is sent into the West Bank to seduce the aging unmar­ried sis­ter of a want­ed ter­ror­ist cell leader. They hope to cap­ture his Hezbol­lah infil­trat­ed, Iran­ian backed strong­hold in the hills of Mount Ger­iz­im, near Nablus. He is suc­cess­ful in his mis­sion but there­after, his body wash­es up on Tel Aviv beach. The police are puz­zled as to the iden­ti­ty of the mur­der­er. It turns out that the sis­ter had a friend, a Ger­man nurse mar­ried to an abu­sive Pales­tin­ian hus­band, who was dev­as­tat­ed by the sis­ter’s death. When the hus­band was called as to why his wife had not deliv­ered the Pales­tin­ian needle­work as promised, he assumes she is hav­ing an affair and kills her to pre­serve his hon­or. There is also a sub­plot of a 38 year old sin­gle Amer­i­can woman who is search­ing for a Jew­ish sperm donor. Thus, life and death often inter­sect through­out the nov­el.

A Mossad agent, sent into the West Bank, to seduce the aging unmar­ried sis­ter of a want­ed ter­ror­ist, in the hope of cap­tur­ing his head­quar­ters at the Samar­i­tan Passover, is suc­cess­ful in his mis­sion, but then is mys­te­ri­ous­ly mur­dered. Life and death inter­sect when a 38 year old sin­gle Amer­i­can woman seeks a Jew­ish sperm donor. 

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