
In the Neigh­bor­hood: The Search for Com­mu­ni­ty on an Amer­i­can Street, One Sleep­over at a Time

  • From the Publisher
September 3, 2013
Based on a pop­u­lar New York Times Op-Ed piece, this is the quirky, heart­felt account of one man’s quest to meet his neigh­bors-and find a sense of com­mu­ni­ty. 

Jour­nal­ist and author Peter Loven­heim has lived on the same street in sub­ur­ban Rochester, NY, most of his life. But it was only after a bru­tal mur­der-sui­cide rocked the com­mu­ni­ty that he was struck by a fact of mod­ern life in this com­fort­able enclave: no one knew any­one else.

Thus begins Peter’s search to meet and get to know his neigh­bors. An inquis­i­tive per­son, he does more than just intro­duce him­self. He asks, ever so polite­ly, if he can sleep over.

In this smart, engag­ing, and deeply felt book, Loven­heim takes read­ers inside the homes, minds, and hearts of his neigh­bors and asks a thought-pro­vok­ing ques­tion: do neigh­bor­hoods mat­ter-and is some­thing lost when we live among strangers? 

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