
Long Way Home: A Mem­oir of Fame, Fam­i­ly, and Redemption

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2019
A sear­ing mem­oir about the rise, fall, and ulti­mate redemp­tion of the scion of Hol­ly­wood roy­al­ty, son of Michael Dou­glas, grand­son of Kirk Dou­glas. A mov­ing, shock­ing, and inspir­ing sto­ry detail­ing Cameron Dou­glas’s strug­gle to regain his dig­ni­ty, human­i­ty, and place in soci­ety after many years of drug abuse and almost eight years in prison. On the sur­face, Cameron Dou­glas had every­thing: descend­ed from Hol­ly­wood roy­al­ty, he was born into a life of wealth, priv­i­lege, and com­fort, grow­ing up in man­sions in Cal­i­for­nia and Mal­lor­ca and a lux­u­ri­ous apart­ment in New York City. But by the age of thir­ty, he had become a drug addict, a thief, and after a DEA drug bust, a con­vict­ed drug deal­er sen­tenced to five years in prison, with anoth­er five years added to his sen­tence while he was incar­cer­at­ed. Through supreme willpow­er, a belief in him­self, and a steely desire to alter his life’s path, Dou­glas began to reverse his sav­age trans­for­ma­tion, to under­stand and deal with the psy­cho­log­i­cal tur­moil that tor­ment­ed him for years, and to pre­pare for what would be a pro­found­ly chal­leng­ing but suc­cess­ful reen­try into soci­ety at large.

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