
Maps and Mean­ing: Levit­i­cal Mod­els for Con­tem­po­rary Care

Nan­cy H. Wiener and Jo Hirschmann
  • From the Publisher
December 22, 2014

Maps and Mean­ing is rel­e­vant to those look­ing for a fresh per­spec­tive on bib­li­cal nar­ra­tives relat­ed to the role of the priest, patients, sol­diers, and oth­ers who spend time out­side the camp.” The authors con­sid­er the geo­graph­i­cal, inter­per­son­al, tem­po­ral, and spir­i­tu­al tran­si­tions indi­vid­u­als expe­ri­ence when they move in” and out of the camp” and the impact their time out­side the camp has on fam­i­ly and com­mu­ni­ty. The authors pro­pose a soci­etal approach that embraces the inevitabil­i­ty of life’s ebbs and flow and that draws maps to facil­i­tate these journeys.

Discussion Questions