
Mishugas: Mus­ings on Things Jewish

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2020

From her quirky expla­na­tion of why she is enam­ored of all things Jew­ish to her hilar­i­ous essay on the Jew­ish art of curs­ing (“May all your teeth fall out except one and that one should have a toothache”) this col­lec­tion of essays from the pop­u­lar Mishugas” col­umn that ran in the San Anto­nio Jew­ish Jour­nal for fif­teen years serves up bite-sized mus­ings on things Jew­ish. Guar­an­teed to offer a laugh (“Per­son­al ad: Divorced Jew­ish man seeks part­ner to attend shul with, light Shab­bat can­dles, cel­e­brate hol­i­days, build a Suc­c­ah togeth­er, attend bar mitz­vahs. Reli­gion not impor­tant”), or an insight­ful com­men­tary on the Jew­ish-Chi­nese food con­nec­tion (“Some­how my Bubbe was con­vinced chick­en chow mein was kosher”), Lin­da Kauf­man enter­tains us with her com­ments on life seen through a Jew­ish lens.

Discussion Questions