
My 15 Grandmothers

  • From the Publisher
May 13, 2013

Trav­el through the excit­ing maze of secre­cy and intrigue, where lit­er­al­ly every stone that is turned, yields a new twist in the per­son­al jour­ney of Genie Mil­grom. Hav­ing been brought up in a Roman Catholic fam­i­ly in Havana, Cuba and descend­ing from Span­ish ances­try did not ensure that her life would be lived with­in that soci­ety. In response to strong feel­ings and an affin­i­ty towards Judaism, her search for her fam­i­ly’s past took on a deep­er sig­nif­i­cance as she researched her mater­nal lin­eage and not only dis­cov­ered but doc­u­ment­ed and ver­i­fied her Pre-Inqui­si­tion Span­ish Roots to Fif­teenth Cen­tu­ry Spain and Por­tu­gal where they lived first as Jews, then as Cryp­to Jews and final­ly as Roman Catholics. She was able to unrav­el the web of lies and deceit that her fam­i­ly had spun around them in order to sur­vive the Span­ish Inqui­si­tion. They lived with one foot in each world as they con­vert­ed to Catholi­cism open­ly while secret­ly prac­tic­ing their own reli­gion underground.

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