
Night In Jerusalem

  • From the Publisher
May 16, 2017

British aris­to­crat David Ben­nett arrives in Jerusalem in 1966, tor­ment­ed by his increas­ing feel­ings of iso­la­tion and a grow­ing need to find some sort of mean­ing in his life. His cousin Jonathan intro­duces him to his men­tor, the chief rab­bi of Jerusalem, who pre­sides over the Ortho­dox com­mu­ni­ty. Despite his resis­tance to engag­ing with Reb Eli, David becomes cap­ti­vat­ed by the rebbe’s charm and wis­dom. When David dis­clos­es a sex­u­al prob­lem that he fears will ruin his life, Reb Eli arranges for David to vis­it a bor­del­lo run by Madame Aziza, a Jew­ess from Egypt with vast knowl­edge of what arous­es the sens­es. Tamar an enchant­i­ng and mys­te­ri­ous pros­ti­tute whom Madame Aziza intro­duces to him turns David’s life upside down — as well as the lives of many oth­ers — in a reprise of an ancient bib­li­cal sto­ry. As pas­sions rise, the Six Day War erupts, trans­form­ing the lives of David, Tamar and every­one caught up in it. Night in Jerusalem is a nov­el of mys­tery beau­ty his­toric insight and sex­u­al passion.

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