
We Would Never

  • From the Publisher
August 15, 2022

No one appears more sur­prised than Hai­ley Gel­man when she comes under sus­pi­cion for the mur­der of her soon-to-be ex-hus­band Jon­ah. Hai­ley — nick­named Sun­shine by her moth­er for her bright out­look and ever-present smile — has always tried to do what is expect­ed of her and is regard­ed as the fam­i­ly peace­mak­er. But is any­one, includ­ing Hai­ley, who she has always seemed to be?

The months lead­ing up to Jonah’s death have been fraught, includ­ing a bit­ter sep­a­ra­tion and a messy cus­tody bat­tle over their young daugh­ter, Maya. When Hai­ley files a motion to relo­cate to Flori­da so she can be near her fam­i­ly, Jon­ah retal­i­ates and the divorce begins to spi­ral dan­ger­ous­ly out of con­trol.

Sher­ry, Hailey’s moth­er, will stop at almost noth­ing to keep Jon­ah from get­ting what he wants. Nate, Hailey’s impetu­ous and pro­tec­tive old­er broth­er, has tried to keep his dis­tance, but he can’t stand to see his lit­tle sis­ter suf­fer. And then there’s Solomon, the patri­arch, who is keep­ing a secret that threat­ens the sta­bil­i­ty and secu­ri­ty Sher­ry has worked so hard to main­tain. Soon, they are forced to reck­on with who they are as indi­vid­u­als and as a fam­i­ly, and just how far they will go for each oth­er.

Inspired by a true sto­ry, We Would Nev­er is a grip­ping mys­tery, an inti­mate fam­i­ly dra­ma, and a provoca­tive explo­ration of loy­al­ty, betray­al, and the blurred line between pro­tect­ing and for­sak­ing the ones we love most.

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