
Peanut’s Lega­cy: A Sto­ry of Joy, Heart­break and Healing

  • From the Publisher
March 29, 2018

After a first mar­riage failed our author found the part­ner of her dreams, she felt he was her true bash­ert, but he was­n’t Jew­ish. When they mar­ried she des­per­ate­ly desired a child with her new love. She final­ly became preg­nant at age 40, and as a par­ent­ing colum­nist imme­di­ate­ly began writ­ing about the joys of preg­nan­cy at 40 only to learn the baby was sick. At 20 weeks her son’s heart stopped beat­ing and he died. This book explores com­mu­ni­ty response to this com­pli­cat­ed preg­nan­cy and asks com­mu­ni­ties to address the silence that sur­rounds mis­car­riage in a faith so adept at mourn­ing. With 1 in 4 preg­nan­cies end­ing in mis­car­riage, through sto­ry and rit­u­al we can help our com­mu­ni­ties heal. This is a love sto­ry that expands beyond love of part­ner, to love of child and love from community.

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