
Prob­lem Solved

  • From the Publisher
May 16, 2017

It can be messy and over­whelm­ing to fig­ure out how to solve thorny prob­lems. Where do you start? How do you know where to look for infor­ma­tion and eval­u­ate its qual­i­ty and bias? How can you feel con­fi­dent that you are mak­ing a care­ful and thor­ough­ly researched deci­sion? Whether you are decid­ing between col­leges nav­i­gat­ing a career deci­sion help­ing your aging par­ents find the right hous­ing or expand­ing your busi­ness Prob­lem Solved will show you how to use the pow­er­ful AREA Method to make com­plex per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al deci­sions with con­fi­dence and con­vic­tion. Cheryl’s AREA Method coach­es you to make smarter bet­ter deci­sions because it: * Rec­og­nizes that research is a fun­da­men­tal part of deci­sion mak­ing and breaks down the process into a series of easy-to-fol­low steps. * Solves for prob­lem­at­ic men­tal short­cuts such as bias judg­ment and assump­tions. * Builds in strate­gic stops that help you chunk your learn­ing stay focused and make your work work for you. * Pro­vides a flex­i­ble and repeat­able process that acts as a feed­back loop. Life is filled with uncer­tain­ty but that uncer­tain­ty needn’t hob­ble us. Prob­lem Solved offers a proac­tive way to work with and work through ambi­gu­i­ty to make thought­ful con­fi­dent deci­sions despite our uncer­tain and volatile world.

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