
Rachel Weis­s’s Group Chat

  • From the Publisher
August 1, 2023

The year is already off to a bad start. It’s not enough that Rachel Weiss is stuck in a job she despis­es and has an unfor­tu­nate attrac­tion to men who dis­ap­point her. It’s the Year of Turn­ing Thir­ty … and now her moth­er won’t stop try­ing to set up Rachel with the mil­lion­aire buy­ing the house next door.

Luck­i­ly Rachel has amaz­ing friends and their juicy group chat to keep her going. But amid work-man­dat­ed ther­a­py, her thir­teen gray hairs, and bik­ing in the buff, she can’t help won­der­ing why she isn’t mov­ing for­ward like every­one else.

As Rachel’s life — and cir­cle of friends — begins to fall apart, she con­fides in the last per­son she expects. The uptight, irri­tat­ing — yet sur­pris­ing­ly fun­ny and thought­ful — tech bro next door may be the one per­son who sees Rachel for the woman she wants to be. After ran­dom DMs turn into con­fess­ing let­ters, she begins to real­ize per­haps it was she who had him wrong all along.

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