In this searing new volume, Lynn Melnick dives head-first through concentric waves of personal and generational trauma with her trademark fear lessness. Evincing a complex mind shaped by the late 20th century’s misplaced priorities, Refusenik interrogates misogyny and antisemitism across time and a shifting global landscape — from a football field in Los Angeles to a Russian shtetl to a beloved daughter’s Brooklyn bedroom. Variously unraveling and allowing for intricate tangles of anger, nostalgia and love, these agile poems furrow deeper into the terrain of Melnick’s much-celebrated earlier titles, arriving at a profound and pressured understanding of what it means to be a contemporary American.

Refusenik: poems
Discussion Questions
Lynn Melnick’s Refusenik is a Jewish feminist tour de force. Relentless in her will to go on despite all of the forces that would suppress her, Melnick interrogates the gaze of patriarchy, antisemitism, and racism, all the while maintaining a nuanced self-awareness of the unavoidable limitations of her own speaking subject. In the tension between the silencing forces of violence and trauma and the speaker’s tenacity, wit, and candor, we are barreled through this triumphant new collection. This is a book you’ll devour quickly, then read again and again. Its wisdom is quicksilver, its realizations necessary in our current moment so fraught with hatred. Melnick’s most powerful work to date, Refusenik is a book that refuses to be denied.

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