
Sav­ing One’s Own

Morde­cai Paldiel
  • From the Publisher
April 24, 2017

In this remark­able, his­tor­i­cal­ly sig­nif­i­cant book, Morde­cai Paldiel recounts in vivid detail the many ways in which, at great risk to their own lives, Jews res­cued oth­er Jews dur­ing the Holo­caust. In so doing he puts to rest the wide­ly held belief that all Jews in Nazi-dom­i­nat­ed Europe wore blind­ers and allowed them­selves to be led like lambs to the slaugh­ter.” Paldiel doc­u­ments how brave Jew­ish men and women saved thou­sands of their fel­low Jews through efforts unprece­dent­ed in Jew­ish his­to­ry.

Ency­clo­pe­dic in scope and orga­nized by coun­try, Sav­ing One’s Own tells the sto­ries of hun­dreds of Jew­ish activists who cre­at­ed res­cue net­works, escape routes, safe havens, and par­ti­san fight­ing groups to save belea­guered Jew­ish men, women, and chil­dren from the Nazis. The res­cuers’ dra­mat­ic sto­ries are often shared in their own words, and Paldiel pro­vides exten­sive his­tor­i­cal back­ground and doc­u­men­ta­tion.

The untold sto­ry of these Jew­ish heroes, who dis­played inven­tive­ness and courage in out­wit­ting the ene­my — and in sav­ing lit­er­al­ly thou­sands of Jews — is final­ly revealed.

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