
Six­ty Blades of Grass

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

Dur­ing the Sec­ond World War, Rika, a sev­en­teen-year-old Dutch Resis­tance fight­er, paints in fields over­look­ing the busy rail yards. Hid­den in her art­work is infor­ma­tion cru­cial to the Dutch Under­ground about the con­cen­tra­tion camps and Jew­ish pris­on­er trans­ports.

But Rika’s covert activ­i­ties aren’t the only thing on her mind. In these uncer­tain times, even trust­ing fam­i­ly is risky. She sus­pects her father of col­lab­o­rat­ing with the Ger­mans and is deter­mined to uncov­er the truth.

Across town, her Ger­man-born father is also liv­ing a dou­ble life. But his desire to keep his daugh­ter safe proves inad­e­quate when he invites a Ger­man colonel into his home with ter­ri­ble con­se­quences. With no one to rely on or turn to, Rika knows her great­est chal­lenge has only just begun as she must fight for her own sur­vival.

Inspired by fam­i­ly his­to­ry, this is a riv­et­ing, heartrend­ing nov­el of dan­ger and betray­al that explores what it takes to lay down one’s life for anoth­er in the most har­row­ing of circumstances.

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