
Two Prayers Before Bed­time: Love and Loss in Wartorn Amsterdam

  • From the Publisher
May 18, 2015

Cil­la Bier­man , an Ortho­dox Jew­ish woman, comes from Czecho­slo­va­kia to reli­gious­ly tol­er­ant Ams­ter­dam to embark on a new life with her hus­band Edmund. The Nazis invade Ams­ter­dam and life for the Jew­ish fam­i­ly becomes intol­er­a­ble. Cil­la and Edmund send their daugh­ter and son into sep­a­rate hid­ing places before they go into hid­ing them­selves. After the war the fam­i­ly is one of the rare lucky few to be reunit­ed. Cil­la finds her daugh­ter Rena­ta has been raised by a lov­ing, child­less Chris­t­ian cou­ple who ini­tial­ly do not want to give her back. Even­tu­al­ly Rena­ta returns to her birth par­ents but comes home recit­ing Chris­t­ian prayers. Her moth­er has the impos­si­ble chal­lenge of teach­ing her daugh­ter to be Jew­ish again. Can Cil­la suc­ceed with her daugh­ter, giv­en all the trau­ma they have both been through dur­ing the war? More­over, is Rena­ta pre­pared to be re – inte­grat­ed into this Jew­ish home? Based on a true fam­i­ly story.

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