
Sons and Daughters

  • Review
By – March 24, 2025

A slant­ed, shin­gled roof, cov­ered in moss. A soli­tary meno­rah on the win­dow sill, guardian of the home. From with­in come the wise, gruff voic­es of the old and the impas­sioned, ide­al­is­tic calls of the young — wind­ing tight­ly around one anoth­er like the waxy strands of a hav­dalah candle. 

So the scene is set for a fam­i­ly saga set against the back­drop of a chang­ing world in Chaim Grade’s Sons and Daughters. 

This book, orig­i­nal­ly seri­al­ized in Yid­dish-lan­guage news­pa­pers in the 1960s and 1970s — now trans­lat­ed for the first time by Rose Wald­man— intro­duces us to a dis­tressed Rab­bi Sholem Shachne Katzenel­len­bo­gen: his five chil­dren have all strayed from a pious path and bring him very lit­tle nachas. They’ve also left home, trav­el­ing as far as Switzer­land and Pales­tine to fol­low what Sholem Shachne believes are fool­ish dreams. The chil­dren fil­ter in and out of the Katzenel­len­bo­gen house­hold through­out the book, briefly vis­it­ing their tra­di­tion­al par­ents in between oth­er pur­suits that take them far­ther and far­ther from the world in which they were raised. The rab­bi and his wife, Henna’le, must con­tend with the rapid shift in their fam­i­ly unit as their chil­dren embrace the mod­ern world — a world beyond the beis din and the Shab­bos din­ner table. 

Over the course of the nov­el, we meet a dis­tinc­tive cast of char­ac­ters, rang­ing from a depressed genius rab­bi, to his trou­bled son — torn between Niet­zsche and Com­mu­nism; from Henna’le’s staunch­ly pious father and manip­u­la­tive sib­lings, to her eldest son’s secret goy­ishe fam­i­ly. Every char­ac­ter mat­ters in Sons and Daugh­ters; each is giv­en their own moment to grap­ple with a soci­ety rife with pover­ty, war, iso­la­tion, and loss of faith. Through them, we see evi­dence of the Katzenel­len­bo­gen family’s widen­ing world; these inter­con­nect­ed sto­ries weave a com­pli­cat­ed tapes­try of argu­ments and friend­ships and unspo­ken confessions. 

As read­ers, we know what is to come for fam­i­lies like the Katzenel­len­bo­gens. The boy­cott of Jew­ish busi­ness­es, the pogroms that threat­en dai­ly life — these signs point to the back­shad­ow that col­ors every Jew­ish sto­ry set in the 1930s. In the book’s Intro­duc­tion, Adam Kirsch writes that the younger Katzenel­len­bo­gens believe that their fore­fa­thers’ way of life is no longer viable. In the high­ly nation­al­is­tic cli­mate of inter­war Poland, the Jews’ tra­di­tion­al sur­vival strate­gies — avoid­ing pol­i­tics, accept­ing blows with­out retal­i­a­tion — have stopped work­ing.” It feels strange and almost wrong to watch par­ents argue with their chil­dren about whether or not they put on tefill­in every day when mass vio­lence and death loom ahead, but this is the real­i­ty at all moments in time. 

Grade, who fled to the Sovi­et Union dur­ing the war, only to return to a dec­i­mat­ed Vil­na and his fam­i­ly mur­dered, incor­po­rates his beliefs into his work. Kirsch notes that the Holo­caust brought Jew­ish tra­di­tion back into Grade’s life after it had been absent for many years; he was no longer as cyn­i­cal of the lifestyle after it had been vir­tu­al­ly erased. We see evi­dence of this most clear­ly in at the end of the nov­el, where a Yid­dish poet (seem­ing­ly a stand-in for a younger Grade) impress­es upon the Katzenel­len­bo­gen fam­i­ly that their way of life can­not only be upheld through study and prayer — it also flour­ish­es through find­ing Jew­ish­ness in the world around them, through writ­ing and pol­i­tics and look­ing forward. 

Anoth­er ele­ment of this book worth explor­ing is the sto­ry of its trans­la­tion into Eng­lish, which rais­es ques­tions about the ethics and intri­ca­cies of trans­la­tion. Much of the plot of Sons and Daugh­ters had to be pieced togeth­er from cor­re­spon­dences and notes left behind by Grade, the end­ing inferred with­out any cer­tain­ty that it fol­lows what Grade intend­ed. So why trans­late it at all? With the dwin­dling of a wide­spread Yid­dish lan­guage and cul­ture since World War II, efforts have been made to pre­serve it in any man­ner pos­si­ble. Grade and his con­tem­po­raries cap­tured a soci­ety that now only exists in sto­ries like this one, sto­ries that engaged with the same ques­tions about Jew­ish life that we wres­tle with today: How can one bal­ance tra­di­tion with a chang­ing world? What are our duties to our elders and ances­tors, and what are our duties to our­selves? Trans­la­tion empha­sizes the ties that bind us — across lan­guage, move­ments, and generations. 

Isado­ra Kianovsky (she/​her) is the Mem­ber­ship & Engage­ment Asso­ciate at Jew­ish Book Coun­cil. She grad­u­at­ed from Smith Col­lege in 2023 with a B.A. in Jew­ish Stud­ies and a minor in His­to­ry. Pri­or to work­ing at JBC, she focused on Gen­der and Sex­u­al­i­ty Stud­ies through a Jew­ish lens with intern­ships at the Hadas­sah-Bran­deis Insti­tute and the Jew­ish Wom­en’s Archive. Isado­ra has also stud­ied abroad a few times, trav­el­ing to Spain, Israel, Poland, and Lithua­nia to study Jew­ish his­to­ry, lit­er­a­ture, and a bit of Yid­dish language. 

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