Part 1, Chap­ter 2

Bluma Rivtcha and Zin­del were already on the bridge, paus­ing at the rail­ing to peer into the Narev. Along the length of the shore, lit­tle white­washed hous­es, trees, and bush­es were reflect­ed in the water. Three long-nosed sail­boats, paint­ed yel­low, red, and blue, and a wide row­boat tied to the shore rocked and splashed. Some­where on the shore­line were wash­er­women. Because the shore was curved and twist­ed, they couldn’t be seen, but you could hear the noise they made as they wrung out their laun­dry. The water in the cen­ter of the riv­er had a bluish cast, and the oppo­site shore, sandy and bare, stretched along­side the riv­er like a gold­en wave. A sweet fresh­ness waft­ed up from the Narev, but also a deep, cold melan­choly, as if the waves were weary from their cease­less swelling. 

Bluma Rivtcha was telling Zin­del about her father feel­ing demor­al­ized and bit­ter because none of her broth­ers had want­ed to remain in their town. 

There’s no future for the youth in this town,” Zin­del said. That’s why your broth­ers didn’t want to stay here. And why I don’t want to be the rabbi.” 

So why are you study­ing in Warsaw’s Tachke­moni and learn­ing Tal­mud with my father?” Bluma Rivtcha bent over the rail­ing, watch­ing the water as it frothed and bub­bled. Do you not want to be a rab­bi at all, or do you want to be a rab­bi in anoth­er town, but not Morehdalye?” 

I want to be a rab­bi in Amer­i­ca, or even in Aus­tralia. Any­where, as long as it isn’t in Poland.” Zin­del turned away from the water to the sandy path along the shore, which snaked up a hill and climbed high­er and far­ther, until the sky descend­ed upon it and swal­lowed it up. 

I’m guess­ing you’re not seri­ous.” Bluma Rivtcha turned to face him. I’m sure you don’t mean to fool your grand­fa­ther, my par­ents, and the entire town. They all see you as the future rab­bi here.” 

I don’t plan to fool any­one. Every­one will know it when the time comes. But so far, you’re the only one I’ve told. I’m sure you’d also be hap­pi­er liv­ing abroad in a big city than here in a small town.” 

If I’m going to be a rabbi’s wife, I’d rather be in a small town than in a for­eign city.” Bluma Rivtcha looked around. Let’s walk along the high­er shore on the oth­er side.” 

Although they’d known each oth­er since child­hood, Bluma Rivtcha had nev­er told Zin­del she liked him, and he, too, had behaved prim­ly toward her. They couldn’t for­get that in the minds of her father, his grand­fa­ther, and all of More­hda­lye, hop­ing to reap some nachas and joy from their rab­binic chil­dren, they were con­sid­ered an almost-cer­tain match. That’s why Zin­del imme­di­ate­ly regret­ted con­fid­ing his dream to Bluma Rivtcha. Beneath the high, clear sky, in the sur­round­ing vast­ness, it seemed to him that the echo of his words had already reached the town. When they returned from their stroll, he wor­ried, every­one would already know about this con­ver­sa­tion. And it was all for naught: The only rea­son he’d con­fid­ed in her was that he’d been so cer­tain Bluma Rivtcha would be pleased. 

Why do you say you’d rather be a rabbi’s wife in a small town than in some city abroad?” he asked as they went up to the oth­er side of the river. 

I don’t know.” Bluma Rivtcha walked more rapid­ly, as if she were rac­ing against the set­ting sun. Actu­al­ly, I do know why. To be a rabbi’s wife in More­hda­lye is to live as one with the townswomen. It’s hard, but at least you’re among your own. But in for­eign sur­round­ings I wouldn’t be able to do it. For the women there and for their hus­bands, I’d be the rabbi’s wife and noth­ing else. What would con­nect me to them?” 

They passed a field of green­ish-white cab­bage wrapped in large leaves. Bluma Rivtcha was so irri­tat­ed by what Zin­del had con­fid­ed that her hands flit­ted about rest­less­ly. She tore a flower off a stem at the side of the road, then a lit­tle leaf, which she rubbed between her fin­gers. Your grand­fa­ther would be heart­bro­ken, too, if you became a rab­bi in a coun­try where the rab­bis and the peo­ple are of a dif­fer­ent sort than us. Do you have any idea how my father looks at a beard­less Amer­i­can rabbi?”

Your father would agree to this soon­er than to anoth­er option,” Zin­del replied, his dark eyes smil­ing as sweet­ly as when he’d spot his bride-to-be pass­ing the win­dow of the beis medrash dur­ing his study ses­sions with the rab­bi. At that moment, Bluma Rivtcha felt repulsed by him. She under­stood what he was try­ing to say: Her father was so afraid she might aban­don reli­gion alto­geth­er that he’d rather she become the wife of a rab­bi over­seas whose con­gre­gants were beard­less Jews.

The set­ting sun grew larg­er, then sank into dis­tant plains. Clouds with charred pur­ple edges float­ed by. In the water a pale gold rib­bon of light sparkled, draw­ing one’s heart toward dis­tant lands. Bluma Rivtcha kept walk­ing along the high shore, and she fan­cied that her for­ward motion was delight­ing the large yel­low sun­flow­ers, the fields of bar­ley on beard­ed stalks, the mead­ow of clover. In the space where the fields end­ed and the dark for­est began, thin birch trees with sil­ver barks glis­tened. On their branch­es, count­less dain­ty leaves glit­tered in the wan­ing light, trem­bling and wink­ing at her from the dis­tance. You’ve got wor­ries? Go on!” The town on the oth­er side of the Narev, with its white church steeple on the hill, winked at her, too. But with each step she took, it seemed to Bluma Rivtcha that the far­ther away she walked, the sad­der the town she was leav­ing behind became. The svelte poplars on the church hill grew dark­er, resem­bling tall nuns dressed in black, mute­ly frozen at their evening prayers.

It was already night­fall when Bluma Rivtcha and Zin­del returned from their stroll, the sky seed­ed with green stars. Zin­del went to his grand­fa­ther, and Bluma Rivtcha remained stand­ing in front of her father’s house, beneath the droop­ing wil­low branch­es. She had lis­tened to their mur­mur­ing since child­hood. They’d whis­per secrets from the hid­den plant world and advise her on how to behave among peo­ple. Now, too, they rum­bled with sug­ges­tions. Her leafy friends were even squab­bling among them­selves. From one tree she heard, For heaven’s sake, her father mustn’t find out that Zin­del wants to become a rab­bi in a for­eign land and wants her to join him. Should her father find out, he’d again start search­ing for a match for her from among the over­ly pious yeshi­va boys.” Anoth­er tree, rum­bling even loud­er, insist­ed on the pre­cise oppo­site: She must def­i­nite­ly tell her father! This way, he’d no longer be able to keep her here; he’d have to let her trav­el out of town to learn a skill.”

Truth be told, Bluma Rivtcha had nev­er been crazy about Zindel’s sac­cha­rine smile. But she kept telling her­self that noth­ing had been promised, that they weren’t get­ting mar­ried yet, and in the mean­time, she was curi­ous to dis­cov­er what kind of per­son Zin­del had turned out to be after study­ing in Warsaw’s Tachkemoni. 

Truth be told, Bluma Rivtcha had nev­er been crazy about Zindel’s sac­cha­rine smile. But she kept telling her­self that noth­ing had been promised, that they weren’t get­ting mar­ried yet, and in the mean­time, she was curi­ous to dis­cov­er what kind of per­son Zin­del had turned out to be after study­ing in Warsaw’s Tachke­moni. Today, she’d learned he was nowhere near as pious as she’d believed. He didn’t seem to mind that he was fool­ing an entire town. Even to her, he wasn’t being entire­ly truth­ful. Because he want­ed to become a rab­bi, he con­sid­ered a rabbi’s daugh­ter a suit­able match for him. But he evi­dent­ly liked her even less than she liked him. Her two old­er broth­ers had aban­doned the town and Judaism entire­ly. But Zin­del nev­er skipped prayers — not for a sin­gle day. Dur­ing the three weeks pre­ced­ing Tisha B’Av, he didn’t cut his beard or bathe in the Narev, just as Jew­ish law dic­tat­ed. Even today, while they strolled in the fields, he hadn’t for­got­ten to say the Min­cha prayers. His fan­tasies reached no fur­ther than becom­ing a rab­bi in some small syn­a­gogue abroad. 

If you are choos­ing a yeshi­va boy, it might as well be a seri­ous Torah schol­ar. Much bet­ter choice,” a wil­low sway­ing above her head seemed to say. 

Yes, if you come right down to it, he’s just a dull fel­low.” Bluma Rivtcha chuck­led to her­self, and then went inside her home. 

Last sum­mer, Zin­del Kadish had come to the rabbi’s house and told him that because of his sec­u­lar stud­ies at Warsaw’s Tachke­moni, he’d fall­en behind in his study of Tal­mud and Jew­ish law. So Sholem Shachne offered to study with him every day. His inten­tion was mere­ly to draw a young man clos­er to Torah. That Zin­del was try­ing to attract his younger daugh­ter, the rab­bi hadn’t noticed. 

This knowl­edge did not, how­ev­er, escape the reb­bet­zin, Henna’le. And when Zin­del went back to War­saw after the High Hol­i­days, she told her hus­band that though the young man was study­ing for the sake of knowl­edge, he was also try­ing to charm them because he liked their daugh­ter. Sholem Shachne didn’t want to hear it. True, Zin­del was a refined, edu­cat­ed young man, but he was not a schol­ar, and who knew if he was even tru­ly devout, con­sid­er­ing that he was a stu­dent at Tachke­moni. Bluma Rivtcha would sure­ly be able to get a bride­groom who was a dis­tin­guished schol­ar and feared the Lord, just as her sis­ter, Tilza, had. 

Through­out the win­ter, the rab­bi searched for a poten­tial hus­band for his daugh­ter. The best boys in the yeshiv­as of Mir, Radin, and Klet­sk were inter­est­ed in the match. First, they were enticed by the bride’s pedi­gree: Sholem Shachne had a rep­u­ta­tion as a dis­cern­ing, albeit strict, Torah schol­ar. The bride’s grand­fa­ther was the old Zem­bin rab­bi, and her broth­er-in-law was the Lecheve rosh yeshi­va. The dowry would be the rab­binic seat in More­hda­lye, a pres­ti­gious com­mu­ni­ty, and the bride her­self was very gift­ed — although it was said that she was unsure about whether or not she want­ed to mar­ry a Torah schol­ar. But pre­cise­ly because the bride was ambiva­lent, the yeshi­va boys were even more attract­ed to her. Each young Torah schol­ar desired to impress her. Bluma Rivtcha, how­ev­er, found fault with them all.

One boy, an absent­mind­ed genius, came for a Shab­bos. But Bluma Rivtcha decid­ed he looked encum­bered by his brand-new clothes; he was the sort of genius who was meant to look disheveled. At first, Bluma Rivtcha was daz­zled by his clever respons­es. He pro­voked and con­fused her with his mock­ery of world­ly pro­gres­sives. But even before Shab­bos had end­ed, her inter­est in him fad­ed. Her father took her aside. Well?” he asked.

She told him that the boy with the brand-new clothes had an old, soiled head. He claims that peo­ple shouldn’t study for­eign lan­guages, shouldn’t read books, not even news­pa­pers. All the wis­dom of the world, he claims, can be found in the Talmud.”

Sholem Shachne brought her anoth­er boy, some­one who was mature, smart, and well-read. But Bluma Rivtcha was repulsed by his fat neck and sunken cheeks, and because he added three or four tea­spoons of sug­ar to his tea. He pared an apple for a quar­ter of an hour and scru­ti­nized each seg­ment indi­vid­u­al­ly, decid­ing whether it was worth putting into his mouth. It was obvi­ous he was lazy and shal­low, the sort of per­son who didn’t need a wife, but a maid.

A third boy, with thick lips and cold eyes, cre­at­ed a sen­sa­tion in More­hda­lye when he gave a talk in the beis medrash. Sholem Shachne praised him: besides being a good speak­er, he was also a tremen­dous scholar.

Maybe,” Bluma Rivtcha respond­ed, but he’s also a born busi­ness­man.” He’d man­aged to extract from her how much of a salary her father received and whether he had any side sources of income. Sure­ly, he’s already met a dozen girls. Well, let him look further.”

But you don’t want a qui­et Torah stu­dent who’s removed from any­thing world­ly and sits in a lit­tle cor­ner study­ing,” Sholem Shachne chid­ed her. 

No,” she replied. She didn’t want to mar­ry a man to her father’s taste and then be mis­er­able, like her sis­ter, Tilza, was with her husband.

All through the night, the rabbi’s sighs were audi­ble. In response, his wife, Henna’le, went on a tirade. If he had only been a bit more flex­i­ble with his two old­er sons, they would nev­er have left him and gone so far away. But at least his sons didn’t want to hurt him. A son-in-law, on the oth­er hand, wouldn’t care that much about caus­ing grief to his in-laws. Cer­tain­ly, Bluma Rivtcha had a stronger char­ac­ter than Tilza. Still, she could fall under a husband’s influ­ence, and who knows who that hus­band would be? Much bet­ter if her own father act­ed as the shad­chan between her and the dayan’s grandson. 

For Sholem Shachne, the thought that the chair on which he and his father had sat and made judg­ments on intri­cate Jew­ish law would soon be occu­pied by this poor excuse of a schol­ar was dif­fi­cult to swal­low. It was with a heavy heart that he made his way to Zindel’s grand­fa­ther, the dayan, Tzadok Kadish. On his part, the dayan also had reser­va­tions. Four decades ago, Tzadok’s father had been the rab­bi of More­hda­lye. When he died, the towns­peo­ple select­ed the town’s shop­keep­er, Refael Katzenel­len­bo­gen, to take his place, instead of Tzadok, the heir appar­ent. Refael was a great schol­ar and fer­vent­ly self-sac­ri­fic­ing. And the for­mer rabbi’s right­ful heir, Tzadok Kadish, was forced to agree to be mere­ly the town’s dayan. Refael had been the rab­bi for twen­ty years; then his younger son, Sholem Shachne, inher­it­ed the role. And once again, Tzadok had to sat­is­fy him­self with being the town’s dayan. 

Besides this rival­ry, Tzadok also dis­agreed with the Katzenel­len­bo­gens on anoth­er mat­ter. Unlike the Katzenel­len­bo­gens, Tzadok was in favor of study­ing both Torah and sec­u­lar knowl­edge, which was why he’d sent Zin­del to study at Tachke­moni. But ever since Zindel’s par­ents had gone to Cana­da and got­ten divorced, the dayan had begun to feel his decrepit old age. And so he now allowed him­self to be per­suad­ed by the rab­bi, his rival of so many years. 

Nei­ther of us was suc­cess­ful, Reb Tzadok,” Sholem Shachne said. I didn’t suc­ceed in pre­vent­ing the younger gen­er­a­tion from drag­ging big-city filth into More­hda­lye. Even with my own chil­dren I was unsuc­cess­ful! And you were unsuc­cess­ful in mak­ing com­pro­mis­es. The youth no longer need your rab­bini­cal dis­pen­sa­tions for their enlight­en­ment; they do every­thing they want with­out them. So per­haps the affec­tion between your grand­son and my daugh­ter is divine­ly ordained. Com­mon sense dic­tates that since your grand­son is both edu­cat­ed and a Torah schol­ar, he’ll have a pos­i­tive influ­ence on my Bluma Rivtcha. I’ll pro­vide him with food and board for life, and his dowry will be my rab­binic dynasty — when the time will come. The towns­peo­ple won’t be against it; they want to give plea­sure to us both. And they, too, now want a more edu­cat­ed rab­bi. Are you against the idea?”

Against it? I praise and thank God for His kind­ness.” The dayan smiled sad­ly, all his wrin­kles show­ing on a face almost entire­ly cov­ered by his beard and peyes. But you’ll have to prod Zin­del to study more. He’s quite behind in Tal­mud and Jew­ish law.” The rab­bis regard­ed each oth­er bleak­ly, the same thought run­ning through both their heads: May our suc­ces­sor not shame us, not in this world or in the world to come.

The next sum­mer, when Zin­del came home for vaca­tion, Sholem Shachne — already regard­ing him as his daughter’s fiancé — began to teach him how to rule on mat­ters of Jew­ish law.

Audio excerpt­ed with per­mis­sion of Pen­guin Ran­dom House Audio from SONS AND DAUGH­TERS by Chaim Grade, trans­lat­ed by Rose Wald­man, intro­duc­tion by Adam Kirsch, read by Rob Shapiro. © Chaim Grade ℗ 2025 Pen­guin Ran­dom House, LLC.

Chaim Grade (1910 – 1982) is one of the 20th century’s pre-emi­nent writ­ers of Yid­dish fic­tion” (The New York Times). Born in Vil­na (now Vil­nius), Lithua­nia, Grade fled to New York in 1948, after los­ing his first wife and his moth­er to the Holo­caust. With his sec­ond wife, Inna, he lived in the Bronx for the remain­der of his life. Grade is the author of numer­ous works of poet­ry and prose, includ­ing the nov­els The Yeshi­va, The Agu­nah, Rab­bis and Wives, and My Mother’s Sab­bath Days, and his beloved philo­soph­i­cal dia­logue, My Quar­rel with Hersh Rasseyn­er.

Rose Wald­man is the trans­la­tor of S. An-sky’s Pio­neers: The First Breach and I. L. Peretz’s Mar­ried. She is the recip­i­ent of fel­low­ships from the Nation­al Endow­ment for the Arts and the Yid­dish Book Center.