
Stand-Up Nation: Israeli Resilience in the Wake of Disaster

  • From the Publisher
July 10, 2023

A detailed and inspir­ing por­trait of Israel’s impact around the world.

Since the hor­rif­ic attacks of Octo­ber 7th, 2023, and through­out the ensu­ing war against Hamas and its Iran­ian spon­sors, one thing has nev­er wavered: the extra­or­di­nary resilience of the Israeli peo­ple.

Forged from more than sev­en­ty-five years of adver­si­ty, the leg­endary deter­mi­na­tion of Israel’s pop­u­la­tion has enabled the nation to sur­vive and even thrive through con­stant tragedy and exter­nal threats.

But Israeli strength is not just about but­tress­ing the Jew­ish state; it is also reflect­ed in the val­ues and pow­er­ful altru­ism that the Israeli peo­ple demon­strate toward oth­ers through­out the world. In this book, you’ll expe­ri­ence the remark­able, inspir­ing, and often unbe­liev­able sto­ries of Israel’s unsung heroes: indi­vid­u­als who are risk­ing their lives to save oth­ers and part­ner­ing with peo­ple around the world to build stronger, health­i­er, and more pros­per­ous soci­eties.

Stand-Up Nation is more than a cel­e­bra­tion of Israel — it’s a blue­print for social entre­pre­neurs ask­ing if one per­son can actu­al­ly make a mean­ing­ful dif­fer­ence and help heal our suf­fer­ing world.

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