
Stand­ing Up

  • From the Publisher
May 13, 2013

In the spir­it of Car­rie Fish­er’s Wish­ful Drink­ing and Chelsea Han­dler’s Chelsea, Chelsea Bang, Bang, comes Mar­i­on Grod­in’s hilar­i­ous autobiography/​memoir of a Hol­ly­wood child­hood, teenage years of drugs and sex, and sober adult life on the stand-up cir­cuit. Mar­i­on Grodin, daugh­ter of fun­ny­man Charles Grodin, knows first­hand that laugh­ter is tru­ly the best med­i­cine, hav­ing not only sur­vived breast can­cer and divorce, but also, var­i­ous addic­tions — includ­ing an inap­pro­pri­ate rela­tion­ship with Haa­gen Dazs. Her hilar­i­ous riffs include; the sto­ry of grow­ing large breasts that appeared seem­ing­ly overnight (Unfor­tu­nate­ly this hap­pened dur­ing the sum­mer that she spent on the set of King Kong with her father and Jeff Bridges on whom she devel­oped a huge crush); Her post divorce life, its slight weight gain and how she relied on her wise sup­port group, her cats Baby Fight­er” Edmond and fash­ion­ably sporty, foren­sic expert” Snug­gles. In this clev­er­ly writ­ten autobiography/​memoir Mar­i­on inte­grates her diverse and chal­leng­ing life expe­ri­ences and unstop­pable abil­i­ty to make every­thing fun­ny in a way that is both enter­tain­ing and helpful.

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