
Streams of Shat­tered Con­scious­ness: A Chron­i­cle of the First 50 Days of the Israel-Hamas War

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

On Octo­ber 7th, 2023, David-Seth Kir­sh­n­er woke up excit­ed to cel­e­brate his 50th birth­day. Instead of eat­ing cake, Rab­bi Kir­sh­n­er was glued to the news as the hor­ri­ble attack by Hamas upon inno­cent Israelis began to unfold. Emo­tions flood­ed him from all direc­tions. Anger, rage, sur­prise, fear, hope, frus­tra­tion, anx­i­ety, con­fi­dence and grief were just some of what inhab­it­ed his mind and body. Streams of Shat­tered Con­scious­ness is a dai­ly chron­i­cle of Rab­bi Kirshner’s chan­neled emo­tions and opin­ions with a healthy dose of his­to­ry lessons. Kirshner’s detailed accounts accom­pa­nied by his per­son­al reflec­tions will keep a record of what will sure­ly be a water­shed moment in the his­to­ry of the Jew­ish people.

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