
That’s Not a Thing

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2019
Mered­ith Alt­man’s engage­ment to Wes­ley Lat­ner end­ed in spec­tac­u­lar dis­as­ter — one that shat­tered her com­plete­ly. Years have passed since then, and now she’s about to mar­ry Aaron Rapp, a for­mer Ivy League foot­ball play­er and baby-sav­ing doc­tor. As they cel­e­brate their engage­ment at a new TriBeCa hotspot, Mered­ith is stunned to find the restau­rant own­er is none oth­er than Wes­ley, the man she is still secret­ly try­ing to for­get. When Mered­ith learns that Wes­ley has been diag­nosed with ALS, her feel­ings about their past become all the more con­fus­ing. As she spends more time with Wes­ley and is pulled fur­ther under his spell, she dis­cov­ers what kind of man her new fiancé real­ly is — and what kind of woman she wants to be.

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