
The Age of Clin­ton: Amer­i­ca in the 1990s

  • From the Publisher
May 20, 2015

This year-by-year chron­i­cle of the wild, trans­for­ma­tive 1990s cen­ters on the Clin­ton White House, using Bill and Hillary Clin­ton as the cen­tral char­ac­ters of a decade that helped invent our lives today. In this unique analy­sis, his­to­ri­an Gil Troy shows how the Nineties’ cul­tur­al and tech­no­log­i­cal changes shaped the Clin­tons even as the Clin­tons shaped them. Link­ing the likes of Oprah Win­frey, Newt Gin­grich, Bill Gates, Kurt Cobain, and Har­ry Pot­ter, tak­ing read­ers from the New York of Rent to Bev­er­ly Hills 90120, he iden­ti­fies the decade as the Age of Clin­ton for the pres­i­dent who per­son­i­fied its noble aspi­ra­tions, notable achieve­ments, missed oppor­tu­ni­ties, and embar­rass­ing excess­es. Par­tic­u­lar­ly rel­e­vant as Hillary Clin­ton runs for pres­i­dent, this book will appeal to read­ers on both sides of the aisle. In show­ing how Amer­i­cans lived and changed, Troy shows how Amer­i­can Jews lived and changed. In explor­ing Bill Clinton’s quest for peace in the Mid­dle East, Troy depicts this Demo­c­ra­t­ic president’s love for Israel — and fury at Yasir Arafat for under­min­ing the Oslo Peace Process.

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