
The Chameleon in the Clos­et: A Con­ser­v­a­tive Jew­ish Moth­er Reach­es Out to Her Ortho­dox Sons

  • From the Publisher
August 29, 2013
The Chameleon in the Clos­et traces the uni­ver­sal jour­ney par­ents take as their chil­dren try to find their place in the world. When her old­er son broke with his Con­ser­v­a­tive Jew­ish upbring­ing and plunged into Ortho­doxy, BJ Rosen­feld was con­front­ed with the chal­lenge of accept­ing or reject­ing his rig­or­ous beliefs. Some­where along the way she became a chameleon chang­ing her cloth­ing and demeanor, not at whim, but to suit the sit­u­a­tion and the cir­cum­stances. Her clos­et now con­tains two dis­tinct wardrobes:shorts, slacks and sleeve­less tops for the world she lives in; long skirts and long-sleeved blous­es for the world in which her sons both exist. With can­dor, pas­sion and humor, The Chameleon in the Clos­et gives the read­er a fas­ci­nat­ing glimpse inside the world of Ortho­dox Judaism. This mem­oir is a unique trib­ute to all par­ents who stand behind their chil­dren’s life-alter­ing decisions.

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