
The Coat

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2019
Seth Fein­berg, in spite of being an athe­ist, has always seen life through a Jew­ish lens. Inher­it­ing a Nazi officer’s full-length leather coat from his Holo­caust-sur­vivor grand­fa­ther moti­vates him to research and write fic­tion­al sto­ries about his grand­par­ents’ and the coat’s pos­si­ble his­to­ry. These sto­ries fol­low the his­to­ry of the Jews from just before the end of the Holo­caust up until just before the found­ing of the mod­ern State of Israel. Ulti­mate­ly, Seth is able to define his per­son­al rela­tion­ship with the coat, his Judaism, and the world.

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