
The Joy of Cost­co: A Trea­sure Hunt From A to Z

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

Join David and Susan Schwartz, a mar­ried Jew­ish cou­ple, on a whirl­wind tour of Cost­co ware­hous­es around the globe. They are two of Costco’s biggest fans yet live in one of NYC’s small­est apart­ments. 

Since 2016, they have been to over 250 of Costco’s 850+ ware­hous­es, plus got­ten behind-the-scenes looks at one of the world’s favorite retail­ers. 

Top­ics are cov­ered in a whim­si­cal A to Z for­mat, using Q & A to delight the more than 128 mil­lion Cost­co mem­bers and over 300,000 ded­i­cat­ed Cost­co employ­ees.

There is a Pro­logue that describes how the authors came to write and self-pub­lish the book, and a brief nar­ra­tive his­to­ry of Cost­co, dat­ing back to a Jew­ish San Diego lawyer named Sol Price, who found­ed Price Club, Costco’s pre­de­ces­sor, and con­tin­u­ing with Costco’s found­ing by Jim Sine­gal, Sol’s pro­tégé, and Jeff Brot­man, a Jew­ish Seat­tle retail­er.

Sam­ple Fun Facts: Cost­co sells more than half of the world’s cashews and sev­en times more hot dogs than all MLB sta­di­ums combined.

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