
You Don’t Own Me

  • From the Publisher
May 16, 2017

This enter­tain­ing and provoca­tive sto­ry is where the world meets in a sin­gle nest”. Law pro­fes­sor and award-win­ning author Orly Lobel reveals the col­or­ful sto­ry and flam­boy­ant char­ac­ters behind heat­ed court and mar­ket bat­tles. She shows how indus­try shapes our ideals of wom­an­hood, child­hood, eth­nic­i­ty, race, work and play. With her tal­ent for com­bin­ing riv­et­ing sto­ry­telling with deep intel­lec­tu­al insights she uncov­ers the ori­gins of bat­tling CEOs and their beloved toys. Bar­bie has a secret post-war Ger­man dop­pel­ganger and Jew­ish Pol­ish cre­ators. His­to­ry repeats when decades lat­er, an Iran­ian Jew­ish entre­pre­neur knocks Bar­bie off her pedestal. Lobel’s path –IDF com­man­der turned renowned schol­ar — moti­vates her to under­stand the psy­chol­o­gy behind the Amer­i­can dream — how at every turn – from finance to mar­ket­ing, inven­tion to lit­i­ga­tion, per­son­al expe­ri­ences, includ­ing hor­rors of per­se­cu­tion, impact lead­ers. One of the book’s heroes, emi­nent judge Alex Kozin­s­ki sits with Lobel for sushi and tells her Yid­dish jokes; anti-hero, Jew­ish Aus­tri­an immi­grant Ernst Dichter, mas­ter­minds sex sells’; Junk Bond king Michael Milken saves Bar­bie when Mattel’s founders are pros­e­cut­ed for fraud. Through the stun­ning sto­ry of fear­less titans, Lobel’s riv­et­ing uncov­ers today’s most con­tentious debates.

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