
The Judg­ment

  • From the Publisher
May 3, 2016

A nov­el set in the tenth cen­tu­ry BCE fol­lows the sto­ry of Solomon’s rise to pow­er and his mar­riage to the Egypt­ian princess who ulti­mate­ly became his down­fall. A tale of pas­sion and betray­al, faith and redemp­tion, The Judg­ment explores a world about which lit­tle is known beyond what is writ­ten in the Hebrew Bible. Based on authen­tic events set between Jerusalem, Tanis, Tel Megid­do, and the Jezreel Val­ley, the epic sto­ry breathes life into the Bib­li­cal char­ac­ters who shaped Israel’s Unit­ed Monarchy.

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