
The Kab­bal­ah Sutras: 49 Steps to Enlight­en­ment: A Guide to Count­ing The Omer” through Med­i­ta­tion, Phys­i­cal Exer­cise, Yoga, Rela­tion­ships, Busi­ness & Career

  • From the Publisher
May 20, 2015

We are hun­gry for a deep­er mean­ing in life, thirsty for High­er wis­dom, and ready to step into our fullest poten­tial. But how? Our lives can feel frag­ment­ed, not-quite-what-we’d-hoped-for, and many of us are car­ry­ing a deep­er sense of frus­tra­tion. In The Kab­bal­ah Sutras, Mar­cus J Freed presents a sys­tem which infus­es ancient Kab­bal­is­tic wis­dom with mod­ern phys­i­cal med­i­ta­tion in a way that you can apply direct­ly to your every­day life — at home, play, and at work. Using the ancient wis­dom, we can dis­solve obsta­cles and cre­ate the life we love. This book con­tains forty-nine prac­ti­cal lessons that can be applied through med­i­ta­tion, yoga, phys­i­cal gym work­outs, and through­out the entire day.

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