
The Melody of Secrets

  • From the Publisher
May 13, 2013
Maria was bare­ly eigh­teen when WWII was com­ing to its explo­sive end. A bril­liant vio­lin­ist, she tries to com­fort her­self with the Sibelius Con­cer­to as Amer­i­can bombs rain down. James Coop­er was­n’t much old­er. A rogu­ish fight­er pilot sta­tioned in Lon­don, he was shot down in a dar­ing night raid and seeks shel­ter in Mari­a’s cot­tage. Fif­teen years lat­er, in Huntsville, Alaba­ma, Maria is mar­ried to a Ger­man rock­et sci­en­tist who works for the bur­geon­ing US Space Pro­gram. Her life in the south is at peace, pur­pose­ful­ly dis­tanced from her past. Every­thing is as it should be —until Robert Coop­er walks back into it. Pulled from a desert air­field where he was test­ing planes no sane Air Force pilot would touch, and drink­ing a bit too much, Coop­er is offered the chance to work for the gov­ern­ment, and move him­self to the front of the line for the astro­naut pro­gram. He soon real­izes that his job is not only to report on the rock­et engines, but also on the sci­en­tists devel­op­ing them. Then Coop­er learns secrets that could shat­ter Mari­a’s world. 

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