A young Jewish wife, new mom, and part-time professional public relations executive, confronts her husband’s infidelity — yet Mother insists she remain married to him. Furious, Jody goes no-contact with Mother and embarks on an emotional journey that includes manipulation, lies, and secrets, as she seeks to emerge from a lifetime of Mother’s narcissistic control. Can Jody gain self-confidence and accept true love with an Italian-Catholic widower whom Mother rejects but Bubbe adores? Jody must make critical choices as her new crush’s background and secrets collide with her own — weeks before a powerful confrontation at her family’s highly-charged annual reunion in Westchester County, New York. Will Jody remain mired in Mother’s manipulation, or freed from a lifetime of controlling influences? Can love and intimacy guide Jody’s exodus or is the grip of the past too powerful? Filled with Jewish themes and Yiddish words – and glossary this novel is a psychological four-generation family drama equally sad, suspenseful, sexy, and laugh-out-loud funny. Jody’s journey is based in Boston with emotional coastal adventures in Maine and La Jolla California.

The Narcissist’s Daughter: A Meshugenah Love Story
- From the Publisher
January 1, 2013
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