Journalist and self-proclaimed “crappy gardener” Tamar Haspel shows us that raising or gathering our own food is not as hard as it seems. When she and her husband move to Cape Cod, they decide to adopt an active approach to their diet: raising chickens, foraging for mushrooms, and hunting their own meat. They have more ambition than know-how, but that does not stop them from trying.
With “first-hand food” as her guiding principle, Haspel embarks on a experiment to stop relying on experts to teach her the ropes, and start using her own ingenuity and creativity. Some of her experiments are a success (refining her own sea salt). Others are a failure (the turkey plucker engineered from an old washing machine). Filled with practical tips and hard-won wisdom, To Boldly Grow allows us to journey alongside Haspel as she goes from cluelessness to competence, learning to scrounge dinner from her surroundings and discovering that a connection to what we eat can change the way we think about food – and ourselves.

To Boldly Grow: Finding Joy, Adventure, and Dinner in Your Own Backyard
- From the Publisher
September 1, 2021
Discussion Questions

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