Cel­e­brate Jew­ish Books

Celebrate Jewish Books. Support Jewish Authors.

Near­ly 100 years ago, in 1925, Fan­ny Gold­stein, a librar­i­an at the Boston Pub­lic Library, decid­ed that Jew­ish books and Jew­ish pride were worth cel­e­brat­ing, so she set up a dis­play of Jew­ish books and ini­ti­at­ed the first Jew­ish Book Week

In this dif­fi­cult year — when we’re expe­ri­enc­ing wor­ry and grief, look­ing for joy and con­nec­tion, and maybe div­ing a lit­tle deep­er into ideas and his­to­ry — books and the authors who write them are an invalu­able resource, to pro­vide com­fort and mean­ing, to chal­lenge us and spark debate and dia­logue. To bring us togeth­er as the peo­ple of the book. And as we’re turn­ing to the books we love and the sto­ries we haven’t yet dis­cov­ered, authors are putting pen to paper and fight­ing to have their voic­es heard. 

So this year, as we’re hon­or­ing Jew­ish Book Month in the month before Hanukkah (Novem­ber 24-Decem­ber 24, 2024), let’s come togeth­er to cel­e­brate Jew­ish books and sup­port Jew­ish authors!

Ways to Celebrate

  • Read a Jew­ish book.
  • Buy a book by a Jew­ish author.
  • Orga­nize a com­mu­ni­ty read.
  • Join or start a book club.
  • Read a Jew­ish book to chil­dren in your home or community.
  • Cre­ate a bul­letin board ded­i­cat­ed to Jew­ish Book Month in a pub­lic com­mu­ni­ty space.
  • Invite an author to speak in your community.
  • Attend an author event at a local syn­a­gogue, JCC or Jew­ish Federation.
  • Dis­play a table of Jew­ish books in your library, syn­a­gogue, JCC.
  • Send out a book­mark tem­plate to your com­mu­ni­ty, and have mem­bers cre­ate a Jew­ish Book Month bookmark. 
  • Ask your local library to stock Jew­ish books that you love.
  • Ask your local book store to stock Jew­ish books that you love.
  • Rec­om­mend a book to friends or your social media network.
  • Find a new book to love on Jew­ish Book Coun­cil’s website.
  • Orga­nize a school read-a-thon.
  • Invite your local school to join one of JBC’s school author events
  • Vis­it the Yid­dish Book Cen­ter online or in Amherst, MA to explore thou­sands of works by Yid­dish writers.

Part­ner Organizations