Reg­is­tra­tion for this event is closed.

Please click to reg­is­ter, then please click here to buy your ticket.

Have you writ­ten or illus­trat­ed a Jew­ish chil­dren’s book that you’d like to have pub­lished? Do you have a sto­ry idea? Have you already been pub­lished, and would like to net­work with oth­ers in your field? The Annu­al Jew­ish Chil­dren’s Book Writ­ers & Illus­tra­tors’ Sem­i­nar, spon­sored by the Jew­ish Book Coun­cil, brings togeth­er agents, edi­tors, illus­tra­tors, and authors for a full day of dis­cus­sion about Jew­ish chil­dren’s book publishing.

This year’s sem­i­nar will be held vir­tu­al­ly over Zoom on Sun­day, Novem­ber 15, 2020

*Please con­sid­er pur­chas­ing books by some of our amaz­ing pan­elists here.*

This year, the pan­elists will include:

In part­ner­ship with the Yid­dish Book Cen­ter, our keynote address, The Three H’s and Beyond: Hol­i­days, His­to­ry and Heroes”, will be giv­en by Miri­am Udel, author of Hon­ey on the Page: A Trea­sury of Yid­dish Chil­dren’s Lit­er­a­ture.

  • Karen Green­berg, asso­ciate edi­tor at Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers
  • Ariela Rudy Zaltz­man, asso­ciate pro­duc­tion edi­tor at Pen­guin Young Readers
  • Rebec­ca Kuss, edi­tor at Ink­yard Press, a children’s imprint with­in HarperCollins
  • Joni Suss­man, pub­lish­er at Kar-Ben Publishing
  • Dena W. Neusner, exec­u­tive edi­tor at Behrman House and its children’s book imprint, Apples & Hon­ey Press
  • Rebec­ca Podos, lit­er­ary agent with the Rees Lit­er­ary Agency
  • Rena Ross­ner, lit­er­ary agent at The Deb­o­rah Har­ris Agency
  • Natasha Díaz, author of the book Col­or Me In
  • Eric Kim­mel, author of Nicanor’s Gate, Her­shel and the Hanukkah Gob­lins, and more
  • Gail Car­son Levine, author of A Ceil­ing Made of Eggshells and many oth­er titles
  • Lev Rosen, author of the book Camp
  • Melis­sa Stoller, author of Sadie’s Shab­bat Stories
  • Shoshana Flax, assis­tant edi­tor, The Horn Book Magazine
  • Susan Kusel, librar­i­an, chil­dren’s book buy­er, and own­er of Dream On Books, a children’s book con­sult­ing company
  • Car­la Naum­burg, PJ Library
  • Mela Boli­nao, illus­tra­tor agent and own­er of MB Artists
  • Amy June Bates, illus­tra­tor for Git­tel’s Jour­ney and many oth­er titles
  • Seli­na Alko, illus­tra­tor for Dad­dy Christ­mas and Hanukkah Mama, and many oth­er titles
  • Ann D. Koff­sky, author and/​or illus­tra­tor of more than 30 books for chil­dren. Ann is also an edi­tor and art direc­tor at Behrman House.
  • Vali Mintzi, illus­tra­tor for Meet Me at the Well, and many oth­er titles

Sem­i­nar Fees: $150.00 Reg­is­tra­tion (If you can­cel your reg­is­tra­tion with­in thir­ty days of the event, we will be able to refund 50% of your reg­is­tra­tion fee. If you can­cel with­in sev­en days of the event, we will be unable to refund your registration.)