**You can watch a record­ing of the event here!**

To pur­chase a copy of Gal Beck­er­man’s The Qui­et Before: On the Unex­pect­ed Ori­gins of Rad­i­cal Ideas and Talia Lav­in’s Cul­ture War­lords: My Jour­ney Into the Dark Web of White Suprema­cy please click here

Join Gal Beck­er­man and Talia Lavin in a con­ver­sa­tion about how cul­ture move­ments get start­ed, how tech­nol­o­gy is chang­ing the fab­ric of how groups form, and how peo­ple young and old can be pulled into a dark world filled with misog­y­ny, racism, white suprema­cy, and anti­semitism with just a few clicks of a but­ton. Mod­er­at­ed by Stephanie But­nick, host of Tablet’s Unortho­dox podcast.

Gal Beck­er­man is a senior edi­tor for Books at The Atlantic, and the author of the wide­ly acclaimed When They Come for Us, We’ll Be Gone, which won the Nation­al Jew­ish Book Award and the Sami Rohr Prize and was named a best book of the year by The New York­er and The Wash­ing­ton Post. He has a Ph.D. in media stud­ies from Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty and writes for many pub­li­ca­tions, includ­ing The New Repub­lic and The Wall Street Jour­nal. He lives in Brook­lyn with his wife and their two daughters.

Talia Lavin is a writer who has had bylines in the New York­er, the New Repub­lic, the New York Times Review of Books, the Wash­ing­ton Post, the Vil­lage Voice, and more.

Stephanie But­nick is deputy edi­tor of Tablet Mag­a­zine and a host of the Unortho­dox pod­cast. She is the author, along with her co-hosts, of The Newish Jew­ish Ency­clo­pe­dia: From Abra­ham to Zabar’s and Every­thing in Between. She has writ­ten for The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal.

Cop­re­sent­ed by Jew­ish Book Coun­cil, The Jew­ish Muse­um, and Tablet Mag­a­zine