Now that almost all of the books from our spring pre­view are avail­able at your local book­store, we’re pick­ing up where the last JBC Book­shelf left off with a few high­lights from the sum­mer list. We’re excit­ed to share a peek into next sea­son’s books! Look out for a biog­ra­phy of the Lubav­itch­er Rebbe from Rab­bi Joseph Telushkin; the next Jew­ish Book World book club pick, Boris Fish­man’s A Replace­ment Life; a fas­ci­nat­ing his­to­ry of two sci­en­tists who used their work toward a cure for typhus to sab­o­tage the Nazis; Stephanie Feld­man’s nov­el, The Angel of Loss­es, described as The Tiger’s Wife meets His­to­ry of Love; and a slew of oth­er great books. 

Now there’s anoth­er rea­son to look for­ward to summer!


