Post­ed by Nao­mi Firestone-Teeter

We just got wind (via Publisher’s Week­ly on Twit­ter (@PublishersWkly)) that we can look for­ward to new work from Jonathan Safran Foer. Book​Seller​.com reports:

Lon­don-based indie pub­lish­er Visu­al Edi­tions has acquired two books byEvery­thing is Illu­mi­nat­ed author Jonathan Safran Foer. Visu­al Edi­tions will pub­lish two art books – one will be print­ed as a die-cut sto­ry, and the oth­er will con­tain illus­trat­ed ver­sions of two of Safran Foer’s short stories.

The deal was nego­ti­at­ed with Abn­er Stein on behalf of Ara­gi Inc. The first title will be pub­lished in June 2010 and the sec­ond is sched­uled for a June 2011 publication. 


Can’t wait that long? Safran Foer’s Non-Fic­tion Book Eat­ing Ani­mals is due out this Novem­ber (more from Paste).