Look­ing to take a break from social media this win­ter? I’m right there with you! But before you log off for the sea­son, be sure to browse one or more of these fif­teen excit­ing new titles. To give you a peek: they include poems informed by the Book of Gen­e­sis, recipes for the Jew­ish hol­i­days, and scenes out of Burn­ing Man.

The Hebrew Teacher: Three Novel­las by Maya Arad; Jes­si­ca Cohen, trans.

unalone by Jes­si­ca Jacobs

Moth­er Doll: A Nov­el by Katya Apekina

A Bru­tal Design: A Nov­el by Zachary C. Solomon

Cold Cre­ma­to­ri­um: Report­ing from the Land of Auschwitz by József Debreczeni; Paul Olchváry, trans.; Jonathan Freed­land, fwd.

Fer­vor: A Nov­el by Toby Lloyd

Kyra Lisse is a writer and edi­tor from the Philadel­phia area. Her work has been pub­lished in or is forth­com­ing from Ghost City Review, Sky Island Jour­nal, SWWIM, New Voic­es, and Assay: A Jour­nal of Non­fic­tion Stud­ies, among oth­er places. Kyra cur­rent­ly lives in Lan­cast­er, PA.