Look­ing to fill out your shelf this win­ter because you’ve lent so many books to friends because you’re such a kind and gen­er­ous and alto­geth­er won­der­ful per­son?? Well, you’ve come to the right book nook, you men­sch! Below you’ll find eleven forth­com­ing titles we’re excit­ed about. Whether you’re in the mood for Sovi­et his­tor­i­cal fic­tion, a mod­ern-day Romeo-and-Juli­et sto­ry, Ethiopi­an Jew­ish recipes, or a call for change in Amer­i­ca, there’s sure­ly a new read here for you.

The Lady of the Mine by Sergei Lebe­dev, trans­lat­ed by Anton­i­na W. Bouis

Con­fi­den­tial: A Nov­el by Mikołaj Gryn­berg, trans­lat­ed by Sean Gasper Bye

And, look­ing ahead to the spring (we can’t help ourselves) …

Sons and Daugh­ters: A Nov­el by Chaim Grade, trans­lat­ed by Rose Waldman

Kyra Lisse is a writer and edi­tor from the Philadel­phia area. Her work has been pub­lished in or is forth­com­ing from Ghost City Review, Sky Island Jour­nal, SWWIM, New Voic­es, and Assay: A Jour­nal of Non­fic­tion Stud­ies, among oth­er places. Kyra cur­rent­ly lives in Lan­cast­er, PA.